Medicine, chemistry and pharmacology


Pharmacology (Gr. pharmakon - a drug or poison, logos - word or discourse) is the science dealing with actions of drugs on the body (pharmacodynamics) and the fate of drugs in the body (pharmacokinetics). It overlaps with pharmacy, the science of preparation of drugs; much of it deals with therapeutics, the treatment of disease (by whatever means). Toxicology is the branch of pharmacology dealing with the "undesirable" effects of drugs on biological processes (in the case of a nerve gas the bad effect may be a desired one).


Six elementary types of reactions exist in chemistry: combination, decomposition, precipitation, neutralization, combustion and displacement reaction. Combination reaction occurs when a compound is being formed from other compounds. On the other hand, decomposition reaction occurs when more compounds are being formed from one compound.  Precipitation reaction happens when an insoluble substance is being formed from two solutions. Neutralization reaction takes place when a salt and water are being formed from an acid and a base. Combustion reaction occurs when carbon dioxide and water are being formed from oxygen and a substance. Displacement reaction happens when one element is being displaced during a reaction.

White blood cells

White blood cells are the cells of the immune system that are involved in protecting the body against infectious diseases and foreign invaders. White blood cells are also called leukocytes. They are made in the bone marrow and stored in our blood and lymph tissues. 

There are three main categories of white blood cells: granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes. 

Granulocytes are white blood cells that have small granules containing proteins. There are three types of granulocyte cells: basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils. Basophils have a role of an alarm when infectious agents invade your blood. They secrete chemicals such as histamine that help control the body's immune response. Eosinophils attack and kill parasites and cancer cells, and help with allergic responses. Neutrophils kill and digest bacteria and fungi. They are the first line of defense when infection occurs. 

Lymphocytes create antibodies to fight against bacteria, viruses, and other harmful invaders. There are three types of lymphocytes: B cells, T cells and natural killer cells. B cells produce antibodies to help the immune system build up a response to infection. T cells help recognize and remove cells that are causing the infection. Natural killer cells are responsible for attacking and killing viral and cancer cells. 

Monocytes are present when the body fights chronic infections. They target and destroy cells that cause infections and help to break down bacteria. They have a longer lifespan than other white blood cells and are also the largest.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that brings about severe mood swings. The patient intermittently undergoes two different phases - mania and depression. Phases can last for weeks, and between them, a normal mood can emerge.
During mania, the patient feels energetic, upbeat, elated, powerful and important. He also lacks the need for sleep, has lower appetite and often makes impulsive and reckless decisions. During depression, the patient feels helpless, empty and worthless. He usually has insomnia, eats more and gains weight. He has little interest for the world around him and is prone to suicide.
There are three types of bipolar disorder : Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder and Cyclothymic Disorder (also called Cyclothymia). Bipolar I Disorder is the most severe one. It is defined by extreme manic episodes which include delusional thinking (for example, the patient believes he is god and has superpowers). It can also incorporate depression episodes. Bipolar II Disorder is milder and includes depression and hypomanic(less severe manic) episodes. Cyclothymic Disorder is defined by mild symptoms that do not meet the diagnostic requirements for a hypomanic episode and a depressive episode.
Although it's a lifelong illness, there are some treatments that can help. The patient can use certain medications to manage the symptoms. Usually, antidepressants are combined with mood stabilizers to prevent both depression and manic episodes. Patients should take their medications consistently, only with medical prescription. Furthermore, the patient can attend psychotherapy (talk therapy), where he can understand his illness and change his troubling emotions and habits.

The benefits of a good night sleep

Although sleep occupies nearly ⅓ of our lives, we pay little attention to it. The reason for this neglect is probably a common misconception that sleep lost is time. In fact, during sleep our vital systems are regulated and balanced. Furthermore, sleep restructures our brain, thus positively affecting our memory.
It was scientifically proven a long time ago that we forget 40% of information during the first 20 minutes. This process can be inhibited through memory consolidation. During the consolidation,with the help from the hippocampus, information is transferred from short term to long term memory.
The importance of hippocampus in the memory processes was first proved by scientist Brenda Milner. She discovered that after having his hippocampus removed, the patient's ability to store both short and long term memory significantly decreased. However, he was able to learn physical tasks after repetition. This revealed that the hippocampus was involved in the consolidation of long term declarative memory(facts), but not in the consolidation of procedural memory.
As the technology developed, our understanding of the consolidation process improved. First, data is captured in neurons. Then, neurons travel to the hippocampus where, during neuroplasticity, synaptic buds are formed, strengthening the neural network where the information will be returned as long-term memory.
In some situations in life memory consolidation is better than in others. For example, we better remember information received during stress or some other high emotional state. This can be explained with the link hippocampus has with emotion. But one of the major factors contributing to memory consolidation is sleep.
Sleep is divided in 4 stages, deepest of whom are Slow Wave Sleep and Rapid Eye Movement (REM). EEG machines monitoring stages of sleep discovered impulses traveling between the brainstem, hippocampus, thalamus and cortex. Thus, scientists discovered what type of memory is consolidated by every stage.
During Slow Wave Sleep stage declarative memory is encoded in temporary storage in the interior part of the hippocampus. There, through the continuous dialog of the hippocampus and cortex, it is reactivated and as a result stored in long term storage. In the REM phase, procedural memory is consolidated.