Announcement from the President
Starting next semester, all food sold at Shelbyton University will be organic. This will include all food prepared and served in the main cafeteria, as well as snacks bought in vending machines throughout campus. This policy also includes beverages as well, both hot and cold. When possible, the university will contract local growers to provide fresh organic produce. Student meal tickets will continue to be honored. The university is implementing this policy in order to regulate the sugar and fat content in student diets. This change in policy reflects health awareness programs being implemented at other colleges and universities across the nation.
Announcement from Student Services
Walton University seeks a student to manage the school’s state-of-the-art exercising facility part time on weekday evenings and weekends. Preference will be given to those students in their graduating year and who have a background in sports management and/or health science. The qualified candidate will be responsible for opening and closing the facility, scheduling classes, such as yoga and pilates, and assisting those students and faculty members who need help. Knowledge of computer databases is essential, as is a GPA of no less than 3.0. For more information, please see Lorette in Student Services, Room A1.
Announcement from the Dean
Starting next semester, students at Stamford College will not be allowed to use laptop computers during class time. Any student using a laptop computer during class time will be asked to turn it off or leave the room. This policy is in response to complaints saying that increased laptop usage during class time is noisy and distracting. Laptop usage will be permitted in all main campus areas, including libraries and food service areas. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please feel free to contact the Dean. Office hours are Monday-Friday 9 to 5pm.
Announcement from the Dean
Starting Monday, students at Greenlich College are invited to submit nominations for The Student-of-the-Year Award. The student of the year will best represent the school motto: “Diligence and Desire.” The winning student will receive a cash prize of $5,000.00 and laptop computer. The nominated student may be in any year and must be currently enrolled at Greenlich College. You may not nominate yourself. Voting will take place throughout the month. To vote, go to room 310 with your student ID card. Students not enrolled at Greenlich College cannot vote. If you have any questions, please contact the Dean’s office.
Announcement from the Dean
In celebration of this the Year of the Volunteer, Wystport University is pleased to announce the following. Starting next semester, each student will be required to be a volunteer for one full semester. Students may choose which organization they would like to volunteer for. Volunteering for work related to your major is recommended but not required. However, a minimum of four hours a week volunteering is required. You will receive credit for your work as a volunteer. The required minimum number of volunteer hours is forty-eight per student. Volunteering is a requirement for graduation. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the Dean’s office.
Announcement from the President
Starting next semester, all first and second year students will be required to live on campus in a dormitory. The university has recently finished construction of the Jean Moly Dormitory and the Dr. S. Gordon Dormitory. These state-of-the-art dorms each contain 500 rooms with laundry facilities and exercising rooms in the basements. Each room has two beds and a small refrigerator. All rooms are internet ready, have card key locks, and provide wonderful views of Lake Borlay. Rooms and roommates will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. The Dr. S. Gordon dormitory is for male students only. The Jean Moly dormitory is for female students only. If you have any questions, please contact the university president.
Sculpture Courses to Be Discontinued
University administrators announced yesterday that the sculpture program, a division of the art department, will be eliminated. “The main reason is a lack of student interest,” reported one administrator. “Although the number of art students has increased, fewer and fewer art majors are taking sculpture classes.” Furthermore, the department’s only sculpture professor is retiring this year. “Given the art department’s limited budget,” the administrator explained, “it just doesn’t make sense to hire a new full-time professor to teach sculpture for only a handful of students.”
University to Build New Auditorium
The university has decided to demolish the old campus auditorium and replace it with a new one. The auditorium is one of the oldest original buildings on campus, and administrators say it is showing signs of its age: sagging floors, peeling paint, a drafty interior, and outdated decor. The new auditorium, by contrast, will have a clean, modern appearance. Also, the old auditorium is too small to accommodate the number of current students. The new auditorium will be bigger, with a greater number of seats to accommodate a larger student body.
Students accommodations
Some university students prefer to live with their families until they graduate and can earn their own living. However, it is also very common for young people beginning university to choose to live together with other students in halls of residence. Although there are several potential downsides to this communal way of living, there are also numerous benefits. A student residence usually can be a very good option. Students can make friends easily, never live alone and residences are usually near the university so students can save money and time at the same time. Despite these clear advantages, there are also considerable drawbacks. Sometimes students' rooms are very small and bathrooms may sometimes have to be shared. Being full of young people, halls can also be very noisy. Likewise, parties and late nights are common and can interfere with students' academic progress. All things considered, there are pros and cons to living in halls.
University to Prohibit Bicycles on Campus
Beginning next semester, the University will not allow the use of bicycles on campus. The campus sidewalks are intended for pedestrians and receive heavy pedestrian traffic. Several minor accidents have resulted from people on bicycles colliding with people walking, and although no one has been seriously hurt, University officials feel that bicycles pose a safety risk. Furthermore, the prohibition of bicycles will not be a problem for students, since the university currently operates a convenient alternative: the free campus bus system, which runs between all campus buildings
A notice from the office of the university president
The university president would like to make sure that it is perfectly clear to all university professors, administrators, students, and any other members of the university community that university policy requires that no pets be allowed on campus. The only exception to this rule, absolutely the only exception, is animals such as seeing-eye dogs that are trained for use in assisting persons with disabilities. Any other pets, no matter how large or small, are unequivocally not allowed. Anyone who fails to follow this policy, be they faculty, administrators, students, or others, will face immediate action by the university.
A message from the university president
It is with a sense of both joy and regret that the university announces the retirement of Dr. Margaret Connor, who has been something of an institution at this university for almost half a century. Dr. Connor will be retiring at the end of the spring semester next year, at which time she will have completed 50 years of service to the university. Dr. Connor came to this university as a graduate student, and then, after completing her doctorate in psychology, she became a professor in the Psychology Department. She has been praised for her commitment to her students over the decades and has published articles and books too numerous to mention. Though she will certainly be missed by the university community, we all wish her well in her retirement.
Announcement from the Ministry of Education
The government has decided to introduce a new, comprehensive scholarship to assist financially-challenged college and university students. The new program, called the Century Scholarship, will reward students for their hard work and will help them enter the work force after their schooling without the pressure of high student loan payments to worry about. The scholarships will be awarded based on the financial need of the applicant. You can pick up an application form at the registrar's office or online.
Notice of fee increase for gym use
Beginning next term, the student gymnasium fee will increase from $12 to $15 per semester. The main reason is rising maintenance costs for the gym building, including higher charges from the city for heating and electricity. We regret this price hike, but believe we will be able to hold this fee steady for the next several years. Students are reminded that the gym fee is optional and is not included in the general tuition charge
Notice of vote on campus food service
Students are encouraged to vote on the university's proposal to change the food service on campus. Students should vote for which of the two options they prefer. Option 1 would expand the main cafeteria in the student center, including the addition of more food choices and more dining space. This option would also close the two snack bars on campus. Option 2 would close the cafeteria in the student center, but would maintain the two snack bars along with opening a deli, a barbecue grill, and a fine dining room.
Department Notice
The English Department is adding creative writing as a graduation requirement for all English Literature majors. This class will be offered in all autumn, winter, and summer semesters. Furthermore, students may enroll during their first, second, or third year of study. Creative writing is being added following the dean's recommendation that all English Literature majors gain practical experience in writing creatively, since, in literature, this directly relates to the topic of their studies.
Security notice to all campus residents
Please be advised that five security guards will be added to campus security night patrol units, starting Monday, October 3d. This decision was made by the university administration in collaboration with campus security. This change follows recent events on campus involving acts of vandalism to school property and buildings, as well as thefts in dormitories reported by housing services. Students are encouraged to cooperate with campus security at all times and report any information concerning violations committed on campus to the university administration.
Class cancellation notice
To all students enrolled in History 102: Please be advised that Prof. Brown will be absent from the university univer all of next week due to illness Kindly note that both lectures scheduled for next week, on Monday, August 22 and Wednesday, August 24, are hereby canceled. All assignments and readings due next week will be due one week later, in class on Monday, August 29".
New Scholarship Offers Opportunity to Study in Rome
The university is pleased to offer an exciting new opportunity for students in the Romance Languages department. The prestigious LinguaRoma Scholarship allows students to study tuition-free for two semesters in Rome. Students must submit an essay exploring a specific aspect of Italian culture to the selection committee. They must also submit a detailed plan explaining how a year in Italy would provide the opportunity to further research and improve the essay. Please note that students in departments other than Romance Languages are ineligible for this opportunity.